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Stage Voices
by Steve Capra

"Theater for me does not make sense if it's not about nowadays. I have to access it by what's happened around of me. The classical text is the way that I go into what’s happening in the world now."

Christiane Jahaty works extensively in Brazil and Europe and is widely praised for her interdisciplinary productions such as Julia (based on Strindberg's Miss Julie. She is an associated artist at Centquatre-Paris, at the Odéon – Théâtre de l’Europe, at the Piccolo Teatro de Milano and at Schauspielhaus Zürich. She's a member of the Comédie-Française and in 2022, she was awarded The Golden Lion Award at the Venice Biennale Teatro. Ms. Jahaty is the founder of the theatre company Companhia Vértice de Teatro, Brazil.

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